What's Happening

Making a difference-Volunteering


At Spiral we have been privileged to have a fantastic set of volunteers who give their time, commitment and dedication to supporting young people in our one to one sessions, as well as helping with social media and website construction and sometimes office administration. 

At Spiral we believe in offering an opportunity to support the building of confidence, motivation, team working, innovation and self-leadership skills through providing a rewarding volunteering experience. Many of our volunteers have gone on to find jobs as a result of their experience, their new found personal confidence and interpersonal skills they have gained with us

We aim to empower you to believe and trust in yourself and your abilities, to take responsibility and have ownership of your role whilst volunteering with us. We achieve this through equipping you with knowledge and skills in our initial training and with ongoing support, coaching, mentoring and supervision whilst working with the young people who are referred to us.

Here's what some of our brilliant volunteers have said 

"I would say to anyone thinking of volunteering to GO FOR IT, as its such a great opportunity and the support you get is fantastic. It was nerve-wracking at first but the best way to get over that is to throw yourself into it and now I feel so much more confident in delivering sessions and talking to parents, teachers and young people"

"The Check-ins between my sessions with young people have been good as its a way of reassuring me that I am on the right track as well as brainstorming ideas that may be useful"

"The skills that I have gained through volunteering have been invaluable. I have enhanced my written and verbal communication skills, active listening skills, improved my organisational skills, developed leadership skills and the ability to work as an efficient and effective team member at Spiral. Alongside this, my confidence in my abilities has massively grown which has been the biggest bonus for me and my future career."

"Throughout my time volunteering, the biggest thing I have learned is that its not necessarily what you do or say. Its more about using empathy, being understanding of the young person's perspective and being that person who will just listen.

"The support from the team at Spiral has been brilliant throughout and although it was daunting at first there was never a moment where I felt unprepared or that I didn't have the resources and support I needed to deliver a great session to the young person. Not only does the team care about helping young people, the volunteers and their wellbeing is also a priority. The help we provide for the charity is always recognised and appreciated making everything very worthwhile and reminding you of the positive contributions your making to the team and the young people.

Volunteering has pushed me out of my comfort zone and shaped me into a much better person. For anyone wishing to start volunteering I couldn't recommend starting your journey with the team at Spiral enough. You will be supported throughout every step and have the opportunity to work with young people in our community. Being a source of light in the midst of a dark tunnel.

Thinking about volunteering? 

Do you have time to commit to working with one young person weekly over 4-6 weeks?

You'll need about 2-3 hours a week giving you  time to think and plan,  set up sessions with parents/teachers/key workers, deliver a 50-60 minute session, time to complete some essential paperwork, time for a check in .

Are you willing and can make time to undertake some essential training?

Are you committed to supporting others to become the best they can be and enhance their emotional and mental wellbeing

Are you patient, resilient, compassionate and empathetic?

We work online and in person-so you will need access to a laptop or PC.

If you are then maybe Spiral would be a great place to contribute and make a difference? You can email or call us to let us know you are interested and we will send you a role description and application form to start the process.

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01228642640

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