About Us
Spiral works with young people aged 8-25 and guardians of young people facing various issues related to bullying, past and present.
There are currently 2 projects running across Cumbria, staff work with an approach that provides support at the earliest stages to prevent the effects bullying has on young people and the community. The young people, staff, and volunteers are working with young people who have increased anger, low mood, and anxious thoughts; these are all factors that can lead to bullying behaviour and becoming a target of bullying.
The approach adapted by staff and trained volunteers at Spiral is to provide psychoeducation to young people enabling them to gain knowledge on their and their peers developing brain and learn how to manage difficult and overwhelming emotions.
Coaching is available to young people to reach small clear goals that they have set and agreed. Encouraging and supporting the young person to use their ‘thinking brain’.
Reaching tangible outcomes including problem solving, control over impulses, leading to tangible goals like; participating in education, feeling more confident to attend an interview or move into employment, not taking part in risky behaviour, socialising with peers (this is a service that is only free for those most vulnerable).
Resources Available
Peer community – Allerdale and Copelend
The peer community is a site for 13–25-year old’s where they can access resources, talk to peers, attend game nights, find out what is happening locally. Drop-in session currently available over the next 3 years, (locations will be on our social media platforms) providing coaching around bullying, increased anger and anxious thoughts, and low mood.
The podcasts are focused on issues and difficulties young people, parents of young people, and the community have, in relation to bullying. If you would like to take part in Spiral podcasts, please get in touch with sol@spiralcumbria.org.uk
How to join Discord and listen to Spiral podcasts can be found on our you tube account https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBEQY5nYd-_8fuJZZinBocA